Sciatica Pain Treatment
Same Day Appointments Available, Free 30 Min Massage with a chiropractic visit for first time patients *Massage may be scheduled as separate appt.

We Can Help Treat Sciatica Pain For The Residents in The Woodlands, TX 

Sciatica pain, typically caused by having either a slipped disk or herniated disk in the back, can be extremely uncomfortable for those who experience it. This pain originates in the spine, specifically the sciatic nerve, and then can cause a shooting pain down one’s lower back and legs. It is extremely uncomfortable for anyone who experiences it and can become increasingly more uncomfortable if one sits for a long time, they wear ill-fitting clothing, or if they are very stressed out. 

Do I Have Sciatica Pain?

Experiencing pain in your legs, buttock, or back can be infuriating. You may be wondering what the root of the pain is and why you are having pain. You may be wondering if you are experiencing sciatica pain. If this is you, read below to discover some prime examples of sciatica pain:

  • The pain is limited to the buttock and leg on one side of your body only.
  • You have pain or numbness deep within one of your buttocks.
  • You have nerve tingling, pins and needles or an electric shock down one leg sometimes.
  • You have weakness in the affected leg, e.g. your leg gives way when you stand up from sitting sometimes.
  • The pain is worse when sitting or standing, but better when lying down.
  • The pain is a sharp prickling, burning or tingling, rather than a dull ache.
  • You have lower back pain.

Sciatica Pain Treatment

Typically, the treatment for sciatica pain is a lot of self care such as putting ice packs on the painful areas, light physical exercise, etc. However, one thing that can really help any sciatica pain is chiropractic treatments. Having a trained chiropractor to make any needed adjustments to your back and massaging out the painful areas can help alleviate the pain. 


At Boss Chiropractic, we are more than equipped with the proper training and knowledge to help alleviate some of the sciatica pain that you may be feeling. Our team will work with you to better understand the pain you are feeling and help come up with a plan so you no longer have to live with that pain.   

Managing Your Sciatica Pain

While sciatica pain tends to get lumped in with regular back pain, it comes from a different source and will require unique strategies to manage or eliminate your symptoms. There are many things you can do to relieve pain and even prevent sciatica pain entirely:

  • Exercise Regularly: Any exercise you enjoy and do regularly will help; however, focusing on exercises that will strengthen your core muscles can be a great way to help reduce or prevent sciatica pain.
  • Manage Your Weight: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for developing sciatica pain and lengthen the amount of time it takes to recover. Even minor weight loss will reduce inflammation and pressure on your spine.
  • Avoid Sitting for Long Periods: Prolonged periods of sitting puts pressure on the discs and ligaments in your lower back. If you have a job that requires sitting for long stretches, take frequent breaks or even try a standing desk.
  • Improve Your Posture: Pay attention to your body's position as you sit or stand. Pull your shoulders down and back to prevent slouching. If you sit at a computer, take frequent breaks and position your monitor so you can see it without having to tilt your neck up or down.

Following these tips can help reduce or eliminate your sciatica pain as part of a comprehensive treatment plan from our chiropractic clinic. Reach out to us today to learn more!

Call Us Today To Learn More

If you are in the Woodlands, TX area and have questions or concerns regarding our sciatica pain treatment services, please give us a call today. Our team can answer any questions you may have and help find a treatment plan that’ll be best for you. 

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