Frequently Asked Questions

Same Day Appointments Available, Free 30 Min Massage with a chiropractic visit for first time patients *Massage may be scheduled as separate appt.

Trusted Chiropractic Clinic for The Woodlands, TX

When you’re looking for a back pain treatment, it might be time to see a chiropractor. The spine is one of the most important parts of the body. It keeps the body upright and connects different parts of the skeleton. Back or neck pain can put a strain on the spine, which inhibits its ability to function properly. At Boss Chiropractic, we specialize in treating disorders in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Our chiropractic clinic has years of experience in spinal adjustments and manipulation techniques. If you’re struggling with chronic pain, a visit to our chiropractic clinic can restore your body’s function and improve your overall health. 

If you’re interested in seeing a chiropractor, check out the following section for more information on chiropractic care treatments. Contact our chiropractic clinic in The Woodlands, TX if you have any other questions or concerns. 

Chiropractic Care FAQs:

Q: How does chiropractic care work?
A: Chiropractors look at the human body overall, from the musculoskeletal system to the spinal cord and nerves. It’s based on the belief that our bodies are self-healing and self-sustaining. For all intents and purposes, our bodies are controlled by the brain through the spinal cord and nervous system. When the nervous system is not at its optimal performance level, the body’s performance suffers as well. Traditional doctors use drugs and medicine to treat patients with chronic pain. While supplements and nutrition are certainly a part of the big picture, prescription medications merely mask the symptoms rather than treating the problem. A chiropractor specializes in treating much more than just neck and back pain. They focus on both soft and hard tissue issues such a joint and sciatica pain. Back pain treatments can help not only surface level issues but also deeper medical conditions.

Q: Why should I see a chiropractor?

A: One of the most common misconceptions of chiropractic care is that people think they have to feel some type of neck or back pain to go to a chiropractic clinic. While these types of treatments are known for relieving pain, chiropractic services such as nutrition advice and adjustments can improve your overall wellness.

Q: What can a chiropractor treat?

A: One of the biggest benefits of chiropractic care is pain relief. People that struggle with herniated disks, neck pain, sciatica pain, or shoulder pain, can benefit from visiting a chiropractic clinic. Chiropractic treatments have also been known to help people with conditions such as migraines, insomnia, allergies, fibromyalgia, diabetes, asthma, ear infections, and even babies with colic.

Q: Is chiropractic care effective?

A: Chiropractic care helps to remove imbalances in your posture and any structural misalignments your body has developed over time. Our services work by restoring the body’s own natural ability to be healthy. For the body to be healthy, the nervous system must be operating well. In order for the nervous system to operate well, it must be free of any interference. By restoring your spinal function with the help of a trusted chiropractor, any interference from misaligned vertebrae is removed. This allows for normal nervous system function and, with it, improved health.


Q: What is subluxation?

A: When a vertebra slips out of alignment from its normal position, it is known as subluxation. Subluxations can occur from a minor slip or bump to a car accident or sudden trauma. The affected vertebra places pressure on nerves, blood vessels, and anything else around it. This interrupts the natural passageways through the nervous system that relays messages between your brain and the rest of your body. In order to be relayed properly, the passageway must be clear.


Q: Is chiropractic treatment safe?

A: Yes, it's a drug-free and non-invasive treatment option. Sometimes, the manipulations can make people nervous. During an adjustment, you may hear a noise that sounds like someone is cracking their knuckles. This is due to the release of synovial fluids and gases from the joint. These movements are designed to realign the vertebrae so there is no longer any disruption in the body’s natural functions. An experienced chiropractor will perform these movements quickly to ensure you don't experience any discomfort. Routine visits to the chiropractic clinic are completely safe and will reduce the chances of another strain or vertebrae shift.

Q: Can I visit a chiropractic clinic while I'm pregnant?

A: Chiropractic care is completely safe while you’re pregnant. The right type of back pain treatment can help you sleep better and ease the labor and delivery process. 


Q: What results can I expect from treatment?
A: The purpose of chiropractic treatment is to allow the body’s nervous system to function as it should, carrying messages back and forth from the brain without interruption. The goal of chiropractic care is to remove any disruptions or detours within the nervous system. Whether you’ve been in a car accident, gotten injured playing a sport, or just fell down and twisted something, you may now have misalignments within your nervous system that prevent proper functioning. Chemical reasons, such as smoking, drinking excessively, or a poor diet, can also disrupt the body’s natural alignment and balance. An experienced chiropractor will help you get your body back on track, both chemically and structurally, to allow to perform as it should.

Q: How long will it take to find relief with chiropractic care?

A: Every person is unique, meaning every treatment plan is different. Some patients find relief after just one visit, while others need a few routine adjustments to improve their functioning. An experienced chiropractor will be committed to improving your overall health and well-being. They’ll first go over the areas you’re struggling with and then talk about lifestyle activities. This may include your posture and diet, which both play a role in the body’s overall health. Then, they will develop a comprehensive treatment plan to improve your health and well-being.

Contact Our Chiropractic Clinic in The Woodlands, TX to Learn More

Whether you’re searching for a back pain treatment or just a routine adjustment, our chiropractic clinic is here to help. At Boss Chiropractic, we have the experience and tools to restore your body’s natural alignment and balance. Our chiropractors have provided back pain treatments such as spinal decompression therapy for patients across The Woodlands, TX and the surrounding communities. If you’re struggling with a herniated disc, back pain, neck pain, sciatica pain, or shoulder pain – schedule an appointment with one of our specialists. To learn more about how our chiropractors can help you, contact our chiropractic clinic in The Woodlands, TX. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment today!

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