Back Pain Treatment
Same Day Appointments Available, Free 30 Min Massage with a chiropractic visit for first time patients *Massage may be scheduled as separate appt.

Back Pain Treatment For The Residents in The Woodlands, TX 

Did you know? 8 out of 10 adults suffer from lower back pain by the age of 45. Lower back pain can be caused by many reasons including improper sitting, lifting, over-exertion, trauma, or inherited spinal abnormalities. The chiropractic approach to healing lower back pain is to help restore the normal motion and position of affected spinal structures which is done by chiropractic manipulation. With chiropractic care, symptoms are not treated with pills or medicine. If you live in The Woodlands, TX area and are experiencing lower back pain, contact us to see how we can help.

Sciatica Pain Treatment

Sciatica refers to pain resulting from a misaligned or damaged sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body running from the lower back to the lower leg and can measure up to three-quarters of an inch in diameter. Sciatica is characterized by pain that originates in the lower back or buttock that travels to one or both legs. This pain can often be felt in a patient’s lower back, hips and legs. Sciatica is also called referred pain, neuropathy, or neuralgia and is really a symptom of a disorder. Chiropractic medicine is  regularly used to treat sciatica pain.

When you visit our chiropractic office, we can help alleviate any sciatica you may be experiencing. Our methods of treatment include a non-invasive option that can reduce inflammation, increase circulation and help the area heal without a need for drugs.  

When to Seek Treatment for Your Back Pain

 You can experience back pain for a number of reasons. If you're wondering whether your pain is serious enough to seek a specialist for back pain treatment, you should assess your condition as you make your decision. Seek medical assistance if any of the following symptoms accompany your back pain:

  • Unexplained fever
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Bowel or bladder incontinence
  • Altered or loss of sensation in your legs or groin

If you are experiencing back pain after an injury, or if your pain has persisted for two weeks or more, you should definitely seek assistance. Our specialists will work with you to diagnose and treat your condition. Your diagnosis will be based on information we collect about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle information. We will perform a physical assessment and ask you questions such as:

  • How long have you been feeling back pain?
  • Is this the first time you've had an instance of back pain, or have there been previous episodes?
  • Are you also experiencing leg pain? Where is your pain most severe?
  • Where exactly are you feeling your pain? Is it centralized in one area or has it spread?
  • What, if anything, helps to alleviate your pain?
  • Does anything make your pain worse?
  • What have you tried so far to manage your back pain?

We'll use this information to identify the source of your pain and devise a treatment plan that can finally help you experience some relief. We understand how difficult and disruptive it can be to deal with back pain; our goal is to help you manage your symptoms and get back on track.

Get Rid of Your Lower Back Pain Today

Have you been living with back pain for some time now? We understand how frustrating it can be when you try various back pain treatments without finding resolutions. Luckily, you don’t have to be disappointed anymore. We urge you to come to us here at Boss Chiropractic and let us treat your spinal and back problems! Relief is possible when you put your trust in our professionals and experienced team. 

From back pain treatment to sciatica pain treatment, you’ll be amazed at how much our methods can relieve your chronic pain. These non-surgical treatments will have you in and out of our office quickly while still giving you the results you need to live comfortably again.

Visit our page dedicated to the types of treatment we practice, or call our office to schedule an appointment. Your comfort is only a phone call away.

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